Who we are

The Property Bar Association is the specialist bar association for Barristers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and Advocates in Scotland who specialise in property or property-related litigation.

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Who we are

The Property Bar Association is the specialist bar association for Barristers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and Advocates in Scotland who specialise in property or property-related litigation.

The PBA had its inaugural meeting on Thursday, 23 November 2000. We operate in accordance with our constitution, which provides for an annually-elected committee. At present we have over 450 members.

What we do

The PBA provides a variety of services for its members including:

  • education;
  • representation; and
  • social events.


We provide a busy programme of educational lectures and seminars for established practitioners throughout the legal year. Details of the PBA’s forthcoming events can be found on the Events page of this website.

Our flagship event is our annual conference and reception, held in November. The conference typically comprises:

  • A keynote lecture, often given by a senior member of the judiciary.
  • A series of interactive workshops on diverse topical issues of interest led by experienced specialists from a variety of backgrounds associated with property law (including barristers, solicitors, surveyors, academics, representatives from the Law Commission and His Majesty’s Land Registry).
  • A final lecture, again presented by a leading figure.
  • Our AGM.

We also host a Northern Conference in the spring. In 2023 our Northern Conference was in Manchester, in 2024 it will be in Leeds. In 2022, we hosted a Scottish Conference in Edinburgh.

Papers and publications from past events can be found in the Library (which is fully searchable).

The PBA enjoys good working relations with other associated professional bodies, in particular the Property Litigation Association (with whom we jointly stage events) and the Chancery Bar Association.

Our Junior PBA committee provide a programme of training and social events for new practitioners (pupils and newly qualified barristers). They work closely with the Junior PLA to provide joint events with junior solicitors.

The PBA has a panel of academic members enabling us to maintain links with universities and law schools. We run an annual essay competition for students.

Members can use our seminars and conferences to complete their annual CPD requirements. The BSB guidelines to CPD can be found here. The PBA is also accredited for similar purposes by the Law Society and the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.


The PBA is recognised as one of the Specialist Bar Associations by the Bar Council. The PBA has a voice on the Bar Council and is represented at frequent Bar Council meetings. We also represent our members interests at Court and Tribunal user groups including at Central London County Court, the First-tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal. The PBA also participates in Law Reform Consultations related to property law with the object of promoting and defending the interests of our members.

Social events

In addition to our educational and representative activities, we acknowledge that social interaction between fellow professionals involved and interested in property law is great fun and ought to be facilitated. To this end we stage an annual summer garden party and also put on a flagship social event every December, to which events all members and their guests are most warmly invited.


Full membership of the Property Bar Association is open to any Barrister who is a practising member of the Bar of England, Wales or Northern Ireland or Advocate in Scotland and, who is able to certify in writing that not less than 50 per cent of his or her practice in the year immediately preceding their application was in property or property-related work.

Full membership is also available to full time mediators who are also, or were formerly, in practice as a barrister or advocate in those jurisdictions for at least 5 years and otherwise meets the same criteria as to their practice.

Associate membership is open to any Barrister who is a practising member of the Bar of England, Wales or Northern Ireland, or advocate in Scotland, who has been in practice for less than five continuous years, and is able to certify in writing an intention to develop a specialist practice in Property or Property Related Work.

Full membership is £140 + VAT per year and Associate membership £40 + VAT per year.  The full criteria for membership can be found on the ‘join us’ page.

And remember: most events are free to members, therefore (if you haven’t already) do join us.

The PBA is a specialist bar association with the following objectives:

  • Raising and confirming the profile of barristers practising in property law as specialists in that field – to both the public and other professionals.
  • Providing a pool of expertise, and a forum for discussion, education, training and social networking for specialist property barristers and other property professionals involved in property dispute resolution and non-contentious property work (such as solicitors and surveyors).
  • Affording the specialist property practitioners at the Bar a distinctive and representative voice in connection with proposals for reform of property law and practice.

Please click here to view a copy of the PBA’s constitution.


Philip Rainey KC


CALL 1990 (2010)

Tanfield Chambers

Stephanie Tozer KC


CALL 1996 (2019)

Falcon Chambers

Faisel Sadiq


CALL 2000

Gatehouse Chambers

Michael Walsh


CALL 2006

Serle Court



Brynmor Adams

CALL 2008

Exchange Chambers

Timothy Calland

CALL 1999

Maitland Chambers

Brooke LYNE

CALL 2016

Landmark Chambers

Sam Madge-Wyld

CALL 2008

Tanfield Chambers

Lina Mattsson

CALL 2010

Gatehouse Chambers

Fern Schofield

CALL 2018

Falcon Chambers

Myriam Stacey KC

CALL 1998 (2021)

Landmark Chambers

Cecily Mary Crampin

CALL 2008

Falcon Chambers

John Campbell

CALL 2008

New Square Chambers

James Tipler

CALL 2013

Falcon Chambers

James Lee


The Dickson Poon School of Law



  • enquiries@propertybar.org.uk
  • Tel: 07917 138372